5 Characteristics of Installing New Corner Guards

You want the walls in your home, office, or building to look great at all times. However, with typical everyday traffic entering and exiting dents and cracks on the corners of your walls are bound to occur.

As a result, corner guards are becoming more and more of a staple in buildings, offering the protection they need to maintain their appearances. It may be an easy choice to decide to have corner guards installed, but there are certain factors to take into account to ensure you get the ones you need.

1. Cost

Before you settle on a corner guard, you need to consider one that fits your budget. Different corner protections will cost you differently. Rubber and vinyl corner guards are the best options if you have a small budget however they may not offer the protection you need. If you have a bigger budget, aluminum metal and stainless corner guards should be your choice. These guards are not only effective corner protectors but also very durable.

2. How the guard blends with your wall

A corner guard that matches your wall tends to be more attractive. Transparent corner guards combine well with most types of walls since they do not interfere with the color of your wall. This, therefore, means you do not have to change the color of your wall or corner guard.

Alternatively, you can look for a guard that fits the color of your wall. Or better yet you can adjust the color of the corner protection to match that of your wall. Corner guards that have a color that contrasts with your wall tend to look attractive if you prefer to go this route. This is especially important if you want them to stand out to let people know they are there.

3. Durability

The durability of a corner guard depends on its quality. A high-quality corner guard will last longer compared to a low-quality corner guard. It also able to withstand higher impact, does not rust, and is always more appealing compared to a low-quality corner guard. A low-quality corner guard may be effective for a short period but with constant use may break down after a while. Some can be highly corrosive and may not be the best in areas that have substances that can break them down.

Different corner guards have different quality ranges. The quality of stainless steel corner guards, for example, vary depending on the type of metal grade. Some are made using thick metal while others are made from thin material. The metal grade also comes in different types with one grade made from less durable metal while the other category is from a more durable metal.

4. Purpose

Various types of corner guards serve different purposes. It is therefore essential to choose the guard that fits your needs. The kind of corner protection should be determined by your type of property and where it is located.

If you want a corner guard for heavy-duty protection in places like factories, aluminum or metal corner guards should be your ideal choice as these will be the ones to protect your walls the best. For areas that require light protection rubber can be used. If you are looking for corner guards for decorating purposes, you can consider decorated plastic and vinyl corner guards.

There may be times when your corner has a unique design or you want a specific decoration. In these instances, you can ask for custom guards to fit your particular needs.

5. Installation convenience & maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance is another crucial factor to consider when choosing corner protection. There are different types of corner guard installation. The two main categories, however, are screw and adhesive type installation. Screw installation requires you to drill screw holes into the wall.

Adhesive installation is more straightforward and only requires you to apply an adhesive on the wall before positioning the corner guard. It is also vital to ensure your corner guard is easy to maintain. The best corner guards should be easy to clean and should not require regular checks.