6 Criteria for a Good Shipping Company

To be a consumers first choice a shipping company should be reliable, speedy, convenient and accommodating. Otherwise, consumers will likely look elsewhere for service. Rather than fail to maintain your client base, this post highlights all of the criteria that consumers look for in a shipping company.

1. Price

One of the main influencing factors for consumers deciding on a shipping company is the price. Consumers want to ensure they are getting the lowest possible price when sending their item. This is often the case for companies or businesses who tend to send a larger amount of goods.

If a company does not view your shipping prices as competitive, they will likely look elsewhere for a service. Rather than let this happen to your company, consider reviewing the prices of your competitors to match them. As well, companies should offer frequent users discounts or promotional offers to entice them to keep using the service.

2. Reliability

Consumers will only return to companies that are reliable. For a shipping company, this means that packages should be delivered according to their delivery date. As well, items should be picked up at the designated times. But, failing to do this for a customer can result in a loss of business. That’s because customers want to ensure that their packages arrive promptly without delay. So, missing a schedule drop off could result in a negative impression of your company.

3. Speed

For companies and consumers, it is vital to have speedy service. This is especially true when packages need to be transported in a rush. But, if your company is not able to provide speedy service, then customers will likely turn elsewhere for their deliveries.

Many businesses rely on shipping companies to transport goods and documents in a short amount of time. But, if your company is not able to meet these time sensitive deadlines they will likely turn to a service that does. To help avoid this, shipping companies should consider offering overnight delivery services, or expedited packages. That way, regardless of the time restraints all consumers will ensure they are receiving their delivery in time.

4. Customer Service

If your company does not have favorable reviews online, you will likely be losing customers. That’s because, consumers want to use companies that have a high customer service rating. If your company does not, and people attempt to search it online, they will likely look elsewhere. To avoid a negative rating happening to you, be sure to listen to what customers have to say. Requesting feedback from clients is a simple way to identify issues with service.

5. Convenience

Business’s and customers want a shipping service that is simple. The more convenient a service is, the more likely a customer is to use it. For this reason, shipping companies should ensure that they offer convenient service options. This means, that companies should offer a variety of services. Some examples are: expedited parcel service, package pick up’s, scheduled drop-offs, and more. Ultimately, if a consumer does not see a benefit to using the serve, then you may be at risk of losing a customer because of it.

6. Options

Your company should be able to meet the request of a customer. If you cannot, they will likely turn to a competitor. Rather than let this happen to you, ensure that your company is equipped to handle a variety of shipping options. From fragile items, to specialty good and white glove services; offering a dynamic service is vital to remain the top choice for consumers.